The Big Bang Theory is an American television sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the series, along with Steven Molaro. All three also serve as head writers. The show premiered on CBS on Septembe ...
Episode | Title | Released |
#0 | Unaired Pilot | 01 May 2006 |
#1 | Pilot (396 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#2 | The Big Bran Hypothesis (353 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#3 | The Fuzzy Boots Corollary (363 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#4 | The Luminous Fish Effect | 01 May 2006 |
#5 | The Hamburger Postulate (310 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#6 | The Middle Earth Paradigm (328 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#7 | The Dumpling Paradox (345 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#8 | The Grasshopper Experiment (352 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#9 | The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization (320 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#10 | The Loobenfeld Decay (337 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#11 | The Pancake Batter Anomaly (306 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#12 | The Jerusalem Duality (321 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#13 | The Bat Jar Conjecture (344 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#14 | The Nerdvana Annihilation (304 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#15 | The Pork Chop Indeterminacy (324 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#16 | The Peanut Reaction (319 clips) | 01 May 2006 |
#17 | The Tangerine Factor (310 clips) | 01 May 2006 |