Devious Maids

Devious Maids poster
Devious Maids

Devious Maids is an American television comedy-drama and mystery series created by Marc Cherry, produced by ABC Studios and executive produced by Cherry, Sabrina Wind, Eva Longoria, Paul McGuigan, Larry Shuman, David Lonner, John Mass, Paul Presburge ...

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23 Jun 2013
Paul McGuigan
Season 2
Ep Title Released
#1 An Ideal Husband N/A
#2 The Dark at the Top of the Stairs N/A
#3 Dangerous Liaisons N/A
#4 Crimes of the Heart N/A
#5 The Bad Seed N/A
#6 Private Lives N/A
#7 Betrayal N/A
#8 Night, Mother N/A
#9 The Visit N/A
#10 Long Day's Journey Into Night N/A
#11 You Can't Take It with You (793 clips) N/A
#12 Proof N/A
#13 Look Back in Anger (834 clips) N/A
Season 3
Ep Title Released
#1 Awakenings N/A
#2 From Here to Eternity N/A
#3 The Awful Truth N/A
#4 Since You Went Away N/A
#5 The Talk of the Town N/A
#6 She Done Him Wrong N/A
#7 The Turning Point N/A
#8 Cries and Whispers N/A
#9 Bad Girl N/A
#10 Whiplash N/A
#11 Terms of Endearment N/A
#12 Suspicion N/A
#13 Anatomy of a Murder N/A
Season 4
Ep Title Released
#1 Once More Unto the Bleach N/A
#2 Another One Wipes the Dust N/A
#3 War and Grease N/A
#4 Sweeping with the Enemy N/A
#5 A Time To Spill (1060 clips) N/A
#6 The Maid Who Knew Too Much N/A
#7 Blood, Sweat and Smears N/A
#8 I Saw the Shine N/A
#9 Much Ado About Buffing N/A
#10 Grime and Punishment N/A